Saturday, February 5, 2011


I'm not sure where this blog is going to go.  I only know that as an avid blog reader, I think it could be fun to start a blog.  I've been thinking about it for a while and finally a push from my friend Sarah convinced me. 

I've been doing Weight Watchers since September and am loving it.  I've completely changed my eating habits which has led to lots of new discoveries and frustrations, especially when Weight Watchers changed their program only a short two months after I had begun.  Suddenly, I was recalculating points and finding that foods I had grown to love in that short two months, were now ridiculously high in points and no longer worth it.  My grandparents and my mom have all been doing Weight Watchers as well.  I spent lots of time in the grocery store calculating points.  I never buy something unless I have calculated the points.  I share lots of ideas with my mom and my grandparents via text messages with pictures and comments.  This blog will hopefully be a chance for me to write down some of my different food ideas to keep them in an easy to find place for others as well as myself. 

Like I said, I had been thinking about blogging when Sarah mentioned it to me.  She had brought over a WW (Weight Watchers) friendly dessert one night and I have been hooked.  I shared a picture on facebook one night and had several comments.  It makes me think that other people are looking for simple and easy food ideas.  A four point dessert that you don't have to even make??  I am sold!!

This angel food cake is sold at Kroger and is often 2 for $5.  One angel food cake has 8 servings so you really get a lot of bang for your buck (and your points!!)!  With the new WW points system, fresh strawberries are ZERO points and adding a bit of Spelenda makes them so sweet.  The whipped cream is no fat which equals zero points in moderation.  I heap on the strawberries to make this sweet dessert super filling and totally worth the 4 points!!

Meanwhile, I've lost 34.8 pounds so far (and I include the .8 because it seems small but it sure does matter!!)  I'm focused on a healthier me and am close to being within my healthy weight range.  I've joined a gym and work out several days a week.  I hope you are able to enjoy my blog as I figure out where exactly I want to go with it.  Stay tuned....


  1. Yay!! I'm excited read your blog! :)

  2. I am so excited that you decided to start the blog! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm ready for all your wonderful ideas.
